PT Dassault Aviation Indonesia Menjajaki Peluang Pendaftaran di Indonesian Creative School, Pekanbaru

On June 5, 2024, Indonesian Creative School (ICS) in Pekanbaru, Riau, was honored to host a delegation from PT Dassault Aviation Indonesia. The primary purpose of the visit was to assess the school’s readiness to accommodate the children of Dassault Aviation employees, spanning ages from Early Years through to Middle and High School.

Led by the President Director Mr. Jerome Puech, the delegation was warmly received by ICS school management, school leaders, teachers, staff, and students. Upon arrival the delegation then embarked on a detailed tour of the school facilities. This tour included visits to the Early Years classrooms, primary school sections, and middle school departments. Mr.Jerome and his team were given an in-depth look at the school’s infrastructure and school environment.
The school tour then followed by an introductory session in the school’s multipurpose auditorium, The Creativity Hall where Mr. Jerome expressed his enthusiasm for potential collaborations with ICS. He highlighted the importance of ensuring a smooth educational transition for employees’ families, emphasizing the need for a comprehensive and adaptable educational environment.

Kunjungan tersebut diakhiri dengan diskusi meja bundar di mana Bapak Jerome dan timnya mengeksplorasi lebih lanjut potensi kolaborasi di masa depan melalui beberapa pertanyaan yang diajukan selama sesi tanya jawab. Diskusi tersebut mencakup program orientasi khusus untuk siswa baru dan inisiatif pertukaran budaya.

The visit from PT Dassault Aviation Indonesia was a significant step towards fostering a mutually beneficial relationship between the company and Indonesian Creative School. It underscored ICS’s readiness to provide a nurturing and dynamic educational environment for the children of Dassault Aviation employees, ensuring their seamless integration and continued academic success.

As the delegation departed, both parties expressed optimism about the future, looking forward to the potential enrolment of Dassault Aviation employees’ children at ICS and the ongoing collaboration that would enrich the educational experiences of all students involved.

Delegasi PT Dassault Aviation Indonesia berkeliling ke ruang kelas Early Years, berinteraksi dengan siswa, dan menyaksikan lingkungan belajar yang menarik di ICS.

CEO PT Dassault Aviation Indonesia, Bapak Jerome Puech, menyampaikan pidato kepada hadirin di Creativity Hall, menyatakan antusiasmenya terhadap potensi kolaborasi dengan Indonesian Creative School.

Diskusi menarik dengan delegasi PT Dassault Aviation Indonesia selama kunjungan mereka ke Indonesian Creative School!
